Rick Scott (Governor of the always progressive Sunshiney State of Florida, in case you have better things to do than keep up with the workings of our government), has lived up to his promise to sign in a law that would require welfare recipients to undergo drug testing. The ACLU is predictably heading the effort to challenge this law, stating that it is unconstitutional. Their arguments are, of course, ridiculous. Who cares if a study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism shows that alcohol and drug abuse is no more prevalent among welfare recipients than the average population? Who cares if drug testing is extremely costly and may do nothing to curb drug use? Who really cares if the 4th Amendment states that "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"? [The 4th Amendment here, in case you're worried that I'm making things up.] I mean, really, the 4th Amendment cannot possibly apply to drug use and even if it did, if you are not on drugs, you have nothing to hide!
I say that Mr. Scott's new law is all well and good and I do not feel that this is unconstitutional in the least. I had to undergo drug testing to get the job that I chose to apply for, so these welfare mooches should be forced to undergo drug testing before I pay for the poverty they did not choose! What's more, it is in my opinion that this law does not go far enough to prevent the abuse of taxpayer dollars. I feel that we ought to start drug testing everyone who benefits from tax payer dollars, such as farmers, fire fighters and police officers. I even have the perfect place to begin to implement this new law: public universities. College students have been wasting our taxpayer dollars for years and it is in my belief that we need to put an end to it.
I have spent considerable time in a public university and therefore, I consider myself an expert on the subject. I have loads of anecdotal evidence that everyone in college spends most of their time drinking, smoking pot, having sex and watching South Park. Every weekend, instead of using the publicly-funded library to their full advantage, these students would spend hours partying. But often before they would party, I observed that they would "pre-game." For the uninitiated, pre-gaming is apparently drinking before the real drinking begins. I know, it sounds really silly and I am sure none of you would ever "drink before drinking." Alcohol is bad for you in large quantities and a danger to the public, much like all those hard drugs that those poor welfare recipients are using.
After pre-gaming, they would go out to parties. I have never been to a party because I am basically the least cool person on the planet but I have heard ton of stories about what happens at these parties and stories are proof enough. And I have to tell you, these stories are horrifying: these students would fruitlessly spend their Friday and Saturday nights drinking and smoking pot and having sex. They would achieve nothing more than "getting wasted" and they would be awfully proud of it, too. Imagine, being in college and not being productive two nights out of the week! I had many-a roommate return from a party absolutely smashed and completely unaware of what was happening around them. I would ask them questions and they would sputter absolute nonsense. Sometimes, they would not return, for they would either have passed out at the party or they would be too busy having sex. I ask you, does this sound like a productive environment? Does it sound to you that they are taking their studies seriously?
But it gets worse. Many of them were underage. Consuming alcohol underage is, of course, illegal. Supplying alcohol to minors is also illegal. Just as illegal, in fact, as it is for all those lazy welfare recipients to buy and use drugs.
The day following the party, the college students would be hungover. I do not know what a hangover is like, but they way people have told me, it is fairly debilitating. You have a really bad headache, you might feel nauseous and bright lights (including the sun) tend to make the headache worse. So doing homework or committing to their studies is out. Usually they would laze around and watch tv, generally cartoons, MTV or reality shows and not something educational, like FOX News or the History Channel.
And what if they had sex the night before? Not all women are on birth control. And sometimes men don't have condoms or insist upon not using one. So there are these people out there having unprotected sex. And unprotected sex leads to babies. And babies lead to abortions, which are paid for by taxpayers, as we all well know by now.
And do not get me started on the pot heads! It was bad enough that they would stink up the whole dorm but then they would sit around in their locked room, spaced out, giggling like idiots and consuming more food than was even necessary! Their studies were the least of their worries! Even if they did come to class, they were too out of it to even comprehend what the lecture was about and they would often doodle mindlessly until the hour was up.
Of course, during the week, college students still delight in drinking, doing drugs and have sex. They might not assemble a large party but they certainly do not put all their efforts into getting straight A's, just as welfare recipients waste the time they could be spending finding a job on snorting crack instead. This is an outrage. I did not contribute to the public university so that they could have fun and socialize. They should have their nose to the grindstone at all times!
After all, when we productive members of society go to work, we never, ever spend our time surfing the internet. We never get on Facebook. We never gossip with our co-workers. We never waste company money by doing anything unrelated to our jobs. We never come to work hungover or too exhausted to give it our all. We never throw fruitless parties where the goal is to simply eat and drink and socialize. We always have our noses to the grindstone and we spend 8 hours a day being productive and taking our work seriously. Money is always taken seriously in our society and everyone everywhere earns their paycheck by staying focused on working hard 40 hours of every week.
This should be the case for everyone who is supported by taxpayer money. It should not be wasted. Rick Scott's new law is a good start but people everywhere, not just welfare recipients, are wasting my money and I want to see an end to this. I have never wasted money a day in my life and it is not fair to see other people getting away with it.
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